About this journal

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The Journal of Science and Engineering Technologies (JSET) is a refereed journal that serves the interests of professionals, academics, and research organizations in science and engineering. Al-Nukhba University College publishes it. The publication is refereed and requests articles from the following three categories:

Research papers: Papers which precisely identify the problem use original data/methodology and derive independent conclusions.

Expository articles: Papers that discuss problems and ideas in a discursive and elaborate manner in a consistent logical sequence and do not necessarily present original data.

Reports: Papers that detail accounts of events of sufficient importance utilizing existing data information.

Referees will evaluate research papers, while expository articles and reports will be discussed with the editorial board and will be sent to referees of the relevant field if the editorial board deems it necessary.

We encourage and request all academics and practitioners in the field of science and engineering to send their valuable works and participate in this forum.

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